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Break Bad Laundry Habits

The results are in: most of us practice poor laundry habits. According to a nationwide survey commissioned by LG Electronics USA, nearly all respondents admitted to mixing items that should be washed separately just to avoid doing another load of laundry. Guilty as charged.

Whether it's hectic work and school schedules, the demands of family life, social activities or plain old exhaustion, the reasons for taking short cuts in the laundry room are many and valid. Unfortunately, you and your clothes pay the price.

Out of those surveyed, more than three out of 10 (31 percent) said they had to leave clothes out of the wash because everything just wouldn't fit. Other findings include:

- More than one out of four Americans do not know how to properly maintain their washing machines.
- The majority (60 percent) of Americans have resorted to running their washer for six items of clothing or fewer at least once per month, with almost half running at least four lighter loads a week.
- Four out of five Americans believe washers, in general, can be improved, and many Americans do not trust their washing machine with their most prized clothing possessions.

If you recognize yourself in any of these statistics, here are some tips from for making the most of your laundry efforts, saving you time and energy—and preserving your clothes—in the process:

1. Do laundry less often. Don’t fall into the habit of wearing something once, then tossing it in the hamper. Unless you’ve spilled something on it, you should be able to get at least a couple of wears out of a top, and several wears out of a pair of jeans.

2. If you do get a stain, treat it right away. Letting it sit indefinitely before washing reduces the odds of that stain ever coming out. Scrub it right away with a store-bought stain solution, or use items you probably have in your pantry, such as lemon juice, club soda or hydrogen peroxide.

3. Read your clothing labels. Nothing shortens the lifespan of a favorite fashion item like washing it incorrectly. Read labels to determine the right water temperature, how long and at what temperature it should go in the dryer, or whether you should avoid the washer/dryer altogether and opt for dry cleaning.

4. Clean the machine. Cleaning your washing machine every few months is essential. Simply toss in a washing machine cleaning tablet, or run a cup of white vinegar through the system. This will keep your machine functioning and smelling its best.

5. Hang and fold clothes pronto. If your clean laundry is just going to end up in a jumbled pile, what’s the point? Spend a few minutes hanging and folding your laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer. Dry wet laundry in smaller batches to eliminate the vast majority of wrinkles.

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